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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shadow Shopper - Do you get more and better shops?

Shadow Shopper. It is a debate that will continue. I have signed up with them on the free package only. I do not think you should ever waste your money on what you can get for free. They promise you more and better jobs. There is a benefit to it. Did you know that just by registering, your name gets added to the database of shoppers? This is a benefit for a few reasons. You will still receive some email offers. In these emails, you will see name of other companies to register with. Schedulers can access the database to find shoppers in areas that they have shops. I just received an email this morning for someone who had a free spa service shop near me. I signed up. I will be off to get my nails done on someone else's dime shortly. The promise that by becoming silver and gold you will get more job offers. Most companies will not pay Shadow Shopper to list their jobs. They list them on their own website for free. How can you find different companies? You may search here. You may also look for jobs on the MSPA site directly. Another great site is Jobslinger is a major job board where schedulers from all over post their available shops. You can search by your zip code. I find the MSPA site awesome for this too. Their site is You may view their job boards and also their forums for shoppers. I promise you will find some useful information there.

The bottom line. Don't ever pay to be a shopper. Don't ever pay to access jobs. You are in this to make money. Remember?


Rachel said...

Sarah... I just found your blog & I've gotten emails from you for a few months now! I also just signed up for the free Bronze membership with Shadow Shopper.

Happy shopping & blogging!

Anonymous said...

Wow you have a great site, I have a question, what do you think of epmsonline (ellis). I did a shop, scanned and emailed their information on 5/6, they never received it, I resent it over and over and they didn't receive it; tried to fax, both fax numbers didn't answer, finally found another fax number on their website, I called today and they were rather cool on the phone, like who cares? Said yes they had received the fax in a different department and made me feel like I don't care to do anymore work for them? Anyone else have that problem?

Sarah Z said...

I shop with Ellis and know lots of shopper who do shop with them. I wouldn't let one misplaced receipt bug you. Just be sure to always hang on to receipts. I recommend shopping with them!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful blog-site. Great information. I've been doing the MSs for several months and getting the hang of it. Maybe shadow shopping is an additional leg I can investigate. Saw you on AFC. Isn't it a great site. I'm GG.

Jeanie said...

I am a seasoned Mystery Shopper (15 plus yrs). I agree, tell all to never pay to shop for them! I found you through Dawn H. You have a great blog! You will help many people with this! I will add a link on my blog for you! Have a Blessed Day!